UCAT Changes

UCAT Registration will not open on the 4th May 2020. Below is a statement from the UCAT website:

“The UCAT Consortium is continuing to monitor the global situation as it relates to UCAT delivery in 2020 (for entry to University in 2021).  Working alongside our business partner Pearson VUE, we will act in accordance with all government mandates and official recommendations to safeguard our candidates around the world.

Candidates will appreciate that we cannot predict when test centres in the UK and internationally will open, and the impact that social distancing measures may have on testing capacity.  We remain committed to delivering the UCAT in 2020 and are working with Pearson VUE to explore a number of test delivery scenarios, with the wellbeing of our candidates at the forefront of our decision making.

Registration will not open on the 4th May and it is likely that testing will begin later than our usual July start.

We continue to liaise closely with our Consortium medical and dental schools and decisions regarding 2020 delivery will be made in consultation with these Universities.

Information and advice on taking the UCAT, including preparation materials are available on our website. Whilst it is too early to start properly preparing for the UCAT it might be helpful for candidates to start familiarising themselves with our test content.

We will update our website as soon as we are able with any new information regarding delivery of the UCAT in 2020”

So what does this mean for our TAMS Students? Our advice is in three steps

  1. Stay calm- You must try your best to not become too concerned by this news. UCAT are working very hard to make sure the exam takes place, so at this point there is not much that can be done, considering the challenging times we are in.

  2. Stay ready- Your UCAT skills are really like a muscle. If you dont train, you’ll lose mass. Keep on practicing your past questions at a slow and regular pace to stay on top of things (passmedicine is really good!).

  3. Stay occupied- As we do not know when UCAT registration will open, we are encouraging all TAMS Students to remain occupied with other aspects of the medical application process. Keep on reading interesting books. Write articles (you can get plugged into our TAMS Tips blog). and volunteer in an any way can!

We will continue to dour best to keep you updated with any changes,.

Saty safe!

Useful links:

  1. UCAT blog- https://www.ucat.ac.uk/ucat/registration-booking/covid-19/

  2. Passmedicne UCAT Questions- https://www.passmedicine.com/ucat/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-r71BRDuARIsAB7i_QNqrZbo0LHt1z244I7GewCt8k12yOiNQ4VNqoCeSZypJiOSqZ0_JkAaAluYEALw_wcB

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